
Wilda L. White blends her broad base of experience in business, law, journalism and activism to help organizations across the private, public and social sectors achieve their social justice missions by changing the hearts and minds of relevant stakeholders through words and ideas.

Wilda L. White offers research and analysis, writing and communications, and strategic planning to turn ideas into reality.

An honors graduate of Harvard Business School and an alumna of McKinsey & Company, Wilda brings intellectual rigor and emerging best practices to help purpose-driven individuals and organizations realize their social justice aspirations.

A lifelong activist, Wilda has been intimately involved in the gay rights, women’s, civil rights, economic and racial justice, and Mad movements.

“For true liberation, we must re-write the Master Narrative in its entirety, and that narrative must be grounded in difference not sameness, humanity not sanity, and the inherent value of people not the transactional value of money.”

Wilda L. White Consulting can work with you to:

  • Create communications products such as White Papers, Op-Eds, position papers, fact sheets and reports
  • Create business plans and pro forma financial statements for new, social justice ventures
  • Create strategic plans to turn ideas into reality
  • Conduct broad-based literature reviews to improve decision-making
  • Speak publicly on your behalf in forums of your choice to advance your social justice mission
  • Draft legislation and help you navigate the legislative process
  • And more